Risk Prevention and Education
Our Overview page provides a view into the many printed and multimedia resources, products and services offered by CRICO's experts to help you prevent risk and promote patient safety.
Our Patient Safety Content
Mitigating Malpractice Vulnerabilities in Primary Care
Friday, November 1, 2024, 7:30 am–4:30 pm: This course is an excellent opportunity for you to build resiliency in your practice. Co-directed by faculty from Beth Israel Lahey Health, Brigham & Women’s Hospital, and CRICO, it is designed specifically to maximize primary care providers’ diagnostic skills for the most common diagnoses seen in primary care malpractice cases.

Past Event: Nursing Practice and Patient Safety: Claims, Trends & Takeaways
May 10, 2023: The goal of this activity is to provide learners with the knowledge about malpractice cases as related to nursing overall and specifically, nursing medication errors.
Now available as an online course.
Now available as an online course.

A Failure to Document Patient’s Refusal
Case Study
Add a patient’s refusal of cancer screening, risks related to the refusal, and alternatives offered to the EHR.
CRICO’s EPL Insurance Coverage Overview
Did you know CRICO covered employment liability? Find out what allegations we cover and learn about our associated risk reduction program.

Lahey RAP Testimonial
CRICO’s risk assessment unit is heralded as a positive, helpful partner who helps lead organizations to impactful patient safety changes via clearly defined actions.

In Defense of the Jury System
Patients and clinicians alike need to be able to rely on a consistent, objective, and fair review of the case.

General Informed Consent Guidelines
A document to assist institutions in reviewing policies, procedures and forms relative to obtaining and documenting informed consent.

Inappropriate Anesthesia Administration Results in Severe Consequences
Case Study
The administration of fentanyl and propofol without appropriate assessment, resources, and a defined airway led to a patient’s death.

EPL Milestones and What’s Ahead in 2025
CRICO’s Employment Practices Liability (EPL) program has matured to a point where it now offers a strong set of tools and approaches that promote healthy and professional workplace environments.

CRICO Law Day: Celebrating 35 years of Protecting Providers
Blog Post
CRICO and its panel counsel convene annually at Law Day to look back at lessons learned and educate each other on advancements in our Harvard Medical community. This tradition ensures that we continue to nourish this invaluable partnership that protects the CRICO insured population.