This is a retrospective cohort study of outpatient obstetric-realated malpractice claims from the CRICO Strategies national Comparative Benchmarking System (CBS) asserted 2006 through 2016. The top contributing factors leading to the filing of the claim were perceived lapse of clinical judgment (45%), ineffective communication (25%), and poor documentation (14%). This insight suggests that the development of training or tools to support clinical decision making, communication strategies, and appropriate documentation are priority areas to reduce malpractice risk in the outpatient obstetrics setting.

Citation for the Full-text Article

Pomerleau M, Greenberg P, Baecher-Lind L. Malpractice Risk and Vulnerabilities Ambulatory Obstetrics and Gynecology Practice [6I]. Obstetrics & Gynecology. May 1, 2018;131. doi: 10.1097/01.AOG.0000533434.94310.c2

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