CRICO Insights: April 2022


Illness Severity

Evidence that Structured Handoffs Work

Researchers at Boston Children’s Hospital have demonstrated a link between patient handoff failures and malpractice cases. The most common lapses in handoffs were the failure to communicate the severity of the illness and a contingency plan. One such tool, I-PASS, explicitly addresses these areas:


Patient Summary


Action List


Situation Awareness and Contingency Planning


Synthesis by Receiver

Read more about the study.

court room image

Criminal Prosecution of Health Care Providers Rare

CRICO responds to the risk of criminal prosecution of nurses and other health care workers in light of the recent case in Tennessee.

Learn more...

lightbulb for new ideas

2022 CRICO Grant Recipients

More than 57 CRICO-insured researchers will be principal investigators of projects being funded by CRICO in 2022. At the forefront of topics being studied are telemedicine, health care equity, and emergency medicine interventions.

See the studies...

women thinking


In Malpractice Claims Connected to Diagnosis, Nurses Are Accountable

A recent study, focused on claims that involve the diagnostic process, shines a light on nursing’s role in malpractice claims and preventing diagnostic error.

It’s all about the team...

Candello report cover

Frontline Stories of Data-informed Change

Just how do organizations (including CRICO) use medical malpractice data to improve patient safety? We gathered stories from our Candello members across the country.

Get the report...

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