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Why Communication Matters
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CRICO Law Day: Celebrating 35 years of Protecting Providers
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CRICO and its panel counsel convene annually at Law Day to look back at lessons learned and educate each other on advancements in our Harvard Medical community. This tradition ensures that we continue to nourish this invaluable partnership that protects the CRICO insured population.

Highlights of the Candello Summit
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Find out what was discussed at the three-day Candello Member Summit and Coder Collaborative held in Boston this September. Topics ranged from Ambulatory Safety Nets, Patient Safety ROI to tools that reduce medmal risk.

Provider Burnout + Malpractice Risk = The Lost City of Atlantis
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We look at the impact of burnout on MPL claims and suits.

Collaboration Among the MPL Defense Community is Needed to Counter the Aggressive Plaintiffs’ Bar
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At the 4th Annual American Legal Connections (ALC) conference, more than 150 Medical Professional Liability (MPL) defense attorneys, claims leaders, reinsurers, and others gathered to discuss nuclear verdicts and high-value claims that have been sending mixed signals about MPL risk.