Blog Post
CRICO Strategies Celebrates 20 years
CRICO Strategies is thrilled to be celebrating its 20th anniversary this year and to commemorate this milestone, we hope to share some of our favorite achievements with you throughout the year. As we look ahead, we can’t help but to reflect to our impressive history—the building blocks that got us to today.
Looking most recently at 2017, we are proud of the impressive results we had in co-authoring 11 research studies and articles that were published in peer review journals and industry publications. All of our studies are rooted in data from our national Comparative Benchmarking System (CBS), which currently represents approximately 30 percent of all US medical malpractice claims. In addition to this achievement, CBS data continues to be cited in other peer review studies and industry media.
Working with our CBS Strategies’ partners, we see every day how CBS data is used to identify drivers of risk in order to improve patient safety. And from our growing body of research, it has become a trusted industry resource for researchers. It is used to help validate risk, but more importantly, because of the depth of our data, it can shine a light on what is driving that risk.
Take a look at some of our 2017 co-authored peer review and industry publications:
- American Society of Anesthesiologist (ASA) Monitor (February): Communication Failures in Medical Malpractice—Lessons Learned from the CRICO Strategies Comparative Benchmarking System
- Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia (March): A Contemporary Medicolegal Analysis of Implanted Devices for Chronic Pain Management
- Obstetrics & Gynecology (May): How Malpractice Cases Can Drive Your Safety Agenda
- Pediatric Radiology (June): Pediatric radiology malpractice claims — characteristics and comparison to adult radiology claims
- The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety (June): Missed Diagnosis of Cardiovascular Disease in Outpatient General Medicine: Insights from Malpractice Claims Data
- Healthcare Executive (May/June):Taking a Deeper Look at the Care Environment: Adjunct Risk Evaluation Helps Acquiring Organizations Assess the Patient-Safety Culture
- Diagnosis (September): The role of radiology in diagnostic error: a medical malpractice claims review
- The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery (September): Improved Safety and Cost Savings from Reductions in Cast-Saw Burns After Simulation-Based Education for Orthopaedic Surgery Residents
- The Journal of Healthcare Risk Management (September): Developing risk management dashboards using risk and quality measures: A visual best practices approach
- Anesthesia & Analgesia (November): A Contemporary Medicolegal Analysis of Outpatient Medication Management in Chronic Pain
- Hospitalist (November): Medical Malpractice and the Hospitalist: Reasons for Optimism
Contact us to have one of the authors present the research findings at your organization’s conference or grand rounds.
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