Prospective Evaluation of Medication-Related Clinical Decision Support Over-Rides in the ICU
Feb 09, 2018
Study Conclusion
The study’s findings included, “Approximately four of five identified clinical decision over-rides were appropriately over-ridden, with the rate varying by alert type. However, inappropriate over-rides were six times as likely to be associated with potential and definite adverse drug events, compared with appropriate over-rides.
Also, the researchers recommended that “further efforts should be targeted at improving the positive predictive value of clinical decision support such as by suppressing alerts that are appropriately over-ridden.”
Citation for the Full-text Article
Wong A, Amato MG, Seger DL, Rehr C, Wright A, Slight SP, Beeler PE, Orav EJ, Bates DW. Prospective evaluation of medication-related clinical decision support over-rides in the intensive care unit. BMJ Quality and Safety . Epub ahead of print: [February 9, 2018]. doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2017-007531.
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