Investigating MPL Vulnerability for the Institutions that Employ and Insure NPs and PAs
Oct 01, 2019
CRICO researchers reported “While the cases naming an NP or PA (often with co-defendants) represent a small portion of all MPL claims and suits, we do see an upward trend from 2008–2018 both for cases involving NPs and cases naming a PA.”
The study concluded, “In general, NPs and PAs are exposed to patient safety vulnerabilities similar to their physician colleagues. Thus, the MPL risks of NPs, PAs and their patients, could be mitigated by extending existing safety improvement programs to all members of patient care teams. This would help promote a comprehensive understanding of risks, and a greater likelihood that safety initiatives will be adopted and sustained.”
Citation for the Full-text Article
Hoffman J, Wang F. Investigating MPL vulnerability for the institutions that employ and insure NPs and PAs. In: Aon/ASHRM Hospital and Physician Professional Liability: Benchmark Analysis, October 2019. 20th Anniversary Edition. Aon plc and American Society for Health Care Risk Management (ASHRM); 2019: 18–26.
Note: A PDF of the article is available for download. Permission was granted by Aon plc.
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