By hosting a modified World Café event, funded in-part by a CRICO grant, in March of 2018, the authors gathered experts to facilitate a focused discussion on the key events and triggers in their respective clinical domains. These experts were asked to rate each of these triggers by importance and suitability for chart review. Using these rated events, the authors were able to determine which factors were most suitable for chart review to monitor their frequency in the occurrence of adverse events.

Citation for the Full-text Article

Logan MS, Myers LC, Salmasian H, Levine DM, Roy CG, Reynolds ME, Sato L, Keohane C, Frits ML, Volk LA, Akindele RN, Randazza JM, Dulgarian SM, Shahian DM, Bates DW, Mort E. Expert consensus on currently accepted measures of harm. Journal of Patient Safety. 2021; 17(8):e1726-e1731. doi: 10.1097/PTS.0000000000000754

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