In this CRICO-funded qualitative study, a diagnostic uncertainty communication tool was successfully designed and implemented during clinical encounters. The tool demonstrated good workflow integration and patient satisfaction.

Interviews with 69 primary care physicians, patients, and informatics and quality/safety experts suggested key features for a diagnostic uncertainty communication tool include: need to sensitively acknowledge uncertainty, promote patient engagement, consider clinician’s workflow, and balance verbal conversation while producing a printed patient handout. Elements of the iteratively developed voice-enabled tool included most likely diagnosis, follow-up plan, test limitations, expected improvement course, and contact information.

Full-text Citation

Khazen M, Mirica M, Carlile N, Groisser A, Schiff GD. Developing a framework and electronic tool for communicating diagnostic uncertainty in primary care: A qualitative study. JAMA Network Open.2023;6(3):e232218. 

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