Characterizing Malpractice Cases Involving Emergency Department Advanced Practice Providers, Physicians in Training, and Attending Physicians
Sep 08, 2023
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center’s emergency department experts collaborated with CRICO patient safety experts to co-author this study that was published in the Academic Emergency Medicine journal.
Using Candello data, the group evaluated available characteristics and financial costs of malpractice cases among advanced practice providers (nurse practitioners, physician assistants), trainees (medical students, residents, fellows), and attending physicians. The researchers found, understanding differences in characteristics of malpractice claims that occur in emergency care settings can be used to help mitigate provider risk.
Full-text Citation
Antkowiak PS, Lai SY, Burke RC, Janes M, Zawi T, Shapiro N, Rosen C. Characterizing malpractice cases involving emergency department advanced practice providers, physicians in training, and attending physicians. [published online ahead of print, 2023 Sep 8]. Academic Emergency Medicine. 2023;10.1111/acem.14800. doi:10.1111/acem.14800
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