For more than 30 years, CRICO and its insured health care providers have generated decision support tools to help physicians and nurses navigate through the patient safety risks they encounter each day in clinical practice.

The 17 documents listed below address medical professional liability (MPL) risks present across multiple services in all health care settings. Together, they directly reflect contributing factors found in more than 20% of all MPL cases; most offer guidance that is applicable beyond that decision-support document’s primary focus. In concert with its mission to promote safety, CRICO makes its decision support materials available to all caregivers. Each document listed below was developed by a dedicated task force: some are a byproduct of patient safety work by the AMC PSO others stem from clinical leadership groups from the Harvard-affiliated medical institutions. The end products represent the evidence-based findings of published experts and practical advice from hands-on practitioners in the clinical and legal aspects of that area of patient care.

Decision Support Tool


Pathology Specimens 2022
Perioperative Fire Safety 2022
Inter-hospital Transfers 2021
Virtual Visits 2021

Breast Care Management (archived)
Prevention and Early Detection of Colorectal Cancer (archived)
EHR Downtime
Behavioral Health Patients (in the ED) 2019
Therapeutic Hypothermia in Neonates 2018
Wrong Level Spine Surgery 2018
Interventional Radiology 2017
Obstetrical Care 2017
Disclosure After an Adverse Event 2016
General Informed Consent 2016
Prescribing Psychiatrists in Consultative, Collaborative, or Supervisory Relationships 2014
Identification, Assessment, and Treatment for Suicidality 2014
Attending Notification 2007

Myriad organizations generate clinical or patient safety guidelines (many are cited in CRICO’s materials). Less common are decision support tools built on the most robust MPL database in the United States, Candello, and draw from the range and depth of expertise available to CRICO through its insured organizations, the AMC PSO, and the Candello community. While CRICO’s materials do not establish a standard of care, many health care systems use these decision support tools in their training and ongoing education programs.

Additional Material

Do practice guidelines help or hurt the defense of a malpractice claim?

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