5 Key Steps for Safe Inter-hospital Transfers

The increased expansion of health care systems allows patients to be moved more easily to receive specialized care. However, there are unique safety risks and considerations when transferring a patient to a different location. Here are five key takeaways from guidelines developed by the Academic Medical Center Patient Safety Organization (AMC PSO) to address existing and emerging risks during inter-hospital transfers.

  1. Determine whether the benefits of transfer outweigh the risks with input from the care team, patient, and family
  2. Establish a closed-loop communication process between the referring and accepting clinicians
  3. Identify whether the referring and accepting institutions share an EHR or not, and make sure there is a reliable way to exchange information during the transfer
  4. Ensure there are clear communication channels with the transport team
  5. Anticipate the risks associated with a delayed or prolonged transfer

Download Patient Safety Guidance for Inter-hospital Transfers for more recommendations.

Doctors Lose Their Own Malpractice Case

Retired Judge Hiller B. Zobel explains how doctors facing trial need to trust their lawyer who will provide extensive guidance on a range of issues involving the doctor’s participation in his or her own defense. He points out that the concept is the same as the relationship between the patient and doctor.
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Failure to Monitor Patient Status
An inpatient with suicidal tendencies is in a permanent vegetative state after becoming entangled in his hospital bed restraints. The plaintiff's claim, alleging a failure to monitor the patient’s status by the nursing staff, settled for more than $1M.
What went wrong?
Ominous Themes and Shared Challenges
Our attendance at two nationwide industry gatherings this year provided us with some key takeaways as well as an opportunity to contribute. Dominant conference themes and discussions focused on nuclear verdicts, provider burnout, artificial intelligence, change management, equity, high reliability, worker safety, and the national patient safety agenda. Also, CRICO/Candello piloted a new community case challenge called You Be the Judge.
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Cybersecurity and Recovery

The results of a cybersecurity event in health care can be devastating. This webinar examines the risks unique (and not-so-unique) to health care and how to be prepared to continue patient care in the aftermath of an incident.
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