The Case for Comprehensive Burnout Solution

Strategies for Patient Safety

Nearly half of health care workers experience burnout, and the post-pandemic exodus from the field has only amplified the strain on the remaining workforce. Given this reality and the links between health care worker well-being and patient safety, it is crucial to understand the implications of burnout on patient outcomes and the potential avenues for comprehensive solutions.

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Six Case Studies to Improve Early Cancer Detection and MPL Risk Management

February marks National Cancer Prevention Month – a time to raise patient awareness about reducing cancer risks through lifestyle changes and screenings, while also encouraging clinicians to review ways to avoid missed or delayed cancer diagnoses. Here are six data-driven cancer-related med mal cases with insights from our risk and patient safety experts.

Here you’ll find additional medical malpractice case studies related to missed or delayed cancer diagnoses. 


  1. Lack of Follow-up Leads to Renal Cell Cancer Diagnosis Delay and Death
  2. Delayed Breast Cancer Diagnosis after Insufficient Follow-up
  3. Test Results Snafu Delays Cervical Cancer Diagnosis
  4. Unacknowledged PSA Test Result Delays Prostate Cancer Diagnosis
  5. Misread and Missed Opportunities
  6. Gaps in Clinical Workup Lead to Young Patient's Missed Colorectal Cancer

Oversights in Post-op Diabetes Care Caused Critical Complications

Case Study

In this case study, post-op management of an insulin pump in a patient with Type I diabetes resulted in diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and myocardial infarction (MI).

Read this Case
Middle-aged man looking worried

Utilizing Risk Assessments to Create a Roadmap for Patient Safety -Enduring Material

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