AMC PSO Publications
Here are the AMC PSO publication pieces
The Academic Medical Center Patient Safety Organization (AMC PSO) strives to act as a national convener of clinicians and health care organizations to promote patient safety by focusing on specific quality and safety initiatives.
Pharmacy Compounding Safe Practice Recommendations
Patient Safety Alert Issue 14: The AMC PSO recently held its follow up Medication Safety Task Force collaborative convening session to discuss the best practices regarding the issues within compounding sterile preparations and patient safety that were brought up in the first meeting.
Patient Falls
Patient Safety Alert Issue 23: The AMC PSO convened a panel of nursing leaders to review recent trends, evaluate the current literature, and discuss novel interventions aimed at mitigating the risk regarding patient falls.
Patient Safety Framework for Inter-hospital Transfers
The AMC PSO convened the Inter-hospital Transfers Task Force to offer guidance — and recommend risk mitigation strategies — concerning potential patient safety risks associated with inter-hospital transfers. These inter-hospital transfer guidelines address previously overlooked safety concerns.