For CRICO-insured Certified Nurse Midwives and Family Practitioners

The OB Patient Safety Program is open to all CRICO-insured Midwives, and Family Practitioners (with obstetrics privileges). This voluntary program rewards risk-reduction activities with a malpractice premium discount. Specific risk reduction activities must be completed in the calendar year prior to receiving the discount. The discount is given each year for two consecutive years as a 10 percent rebate of your individual premium. At the end of the two-year period, you may requalify for the program by repeating the original requirements and continuing the cycle of participation indefinitely. CRICO reserves the right to discontinue or alter the program in the future, with sufficient notice to participants. Costs encountered for completing specified risk reduction coursework are the responsibility of each CRICO OB Patient Safety Program participant.

Program Requirements: Individual Participants


To maintain your status in the lower premium underwriting specialty category, you must complete the following activities and submit your documents of completion by December 2 of the current calendar year to our contact below:

  1. CRICO-approved Labor and Delivery team coursework. Please contact your department or Bessie Manley Szum for details.
  2. Passing a test (see buttons in margin) on the current Clinical Guidelines for Obstetrical Providers of the CRICO-insured Institutions


You will need to complete the following two activities and submit documents of completion by December 2 of the current calendar year to maintain your status in the lower premium underwriting specialty category:

  1. OB safety drills/team training refresher course (all participants)
  2. Passing a test (see buttons in margin) on the current Clinical Guidelines for Obstetrical Providers of the CRICO-insured Institutions (all participants)

Ongoing Program Requirements: Sponsoring Organizations

Institutions that sponsor CRICO coverage for obstetrical care providers participating in the OB Patient Safety Program must satisfy the following requirement

  1. Safety Drills
    Institutions must provide opportunities during the course of the year for obstetrical care providers to participate in Obstetrical Safety Drills.
  2. Team training refreshers
    Institutions must provide opportunities during the course of the year for obstetrical care providers to refresh their team work training.

For Assistance, or More Information

You may contact us via the following ways:

  • E-mail Bessie Manley Szum with questions related to the CRICO OB Patient Safety Program.

CRICO looks forward to collaborating with you in this effort to enhance patient safety.

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