Sample OB Consent Forms & Appendices
- A: Sample Documentation of Delivery with Shoulder Dystocia
- B: Sample Documentation of Operative Vaginal Delivery
- C: Early Warning System
- D: About Your Care During Labor and Birth *
- E: Breech Version or External Cephalic Version *
- F: Delivery Following a Previous Cesarean Delivery *
- G: The Delivery of Twins *
- H: Primary Cesarean Delivery on Maternal Request*
See also: the full web-based OB guidelines content listing.
* includes a sample consent form. These consent forms are available in printable form if you open the attached PDF.
More CRICO Guidelines or Algorithms
CRICO decision support tools.
General Informed Consent Guidelines
A document to assist institutions in reviewing policies, procedures and forms relative to obtaining and documenting informed consent.

Challenge: Take the OB Clinical Guidelines Test
Take this test and see if you already follow these best practices from the Obstetrical Services of the CRICO-insured Institutions.

OB Guideline 15: Assessment and Monitoring in Labor and Delivery
During prenatal care, the clinician and patient will discuss common events and procedures in labor, including methods of assessing fetal well-being.

Obstetrics Guidelines Listing
Easily navigate this web-based version of the OB guidelines 1-35 and the sample form appendices A-H. The OB Guidelines PDF is also available on this page if you want to read or print it in booklet form. (2022 version available)