
Mark E. Reynolds is CEO of CRICO (A Reciprocal Risk Retention Group), CRICO VT, and The Risk Management Foundation of the Harvard Medical Institutions Incorporated. CRICO is a leader in patient safety and risk management and is one of the largest malpractice insurance companies in the United States. As CEO, Mark ensures that the company fulfills its mission to protect providers and promote safety.

Mark oversees the CRICO insurance program, which includes all the Harvard medical institutions and their affiliates. Working closely with CRICO’s board and subscribers to facilitate cross-organizational convenings, he encourages the sharing and adoption of proven patient safety initiatives.

Mark joined CRICO in 2012, and his vision and direction steered the organization towards establishing system-wide operational and technological advancements, strategic planning with goals that cascade throughout the organization, improved analytic capabilities including a focus on data literacy for all employees, and the reorganization of the corporate structure to an RRRG.

As CRICO’s subscribers have evolved and expanded, Mark has championed the development of innovative solutions to meet their needs, including policies and services to support them in different states and venues. CRICO has also provided an average return on investment of over nine percent per year.

Throughout Mark’s tenure, CRICO has maintained a rate of claims per physician well below the national average and delivered a comprehensive defense strategy, which includes extensive support services. Reduced exposure has permitted CRICO to offer malpractice premiums below those it offered a decade ago.

Leading the organization through the pandemic with compassion and transparency, Mark demonstrated a clear dedication to the workforce. High employee engagement scores and low voluntary turnover rates consistently best industry benchmarks, reflecting the positive impact of this approach.

Before joining CRICO, Mark was CEO of Neighborhood Health Plan of Rhode Island, where his outcome-driven approach resulted in the organization being consistently rated among the nation’s top 10 Medicaid health plans. Throughout a 30-year career path in insurance, health care, and government Mark has exhibited commitment to excellence and service to the community. Currently, he serves on the Boards of the Medical Professional Liability Association and The Schwartz Center for Compassionate Healthcare. Mark is an alum of Swarthmore College and MIT.


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